Hey bro, take it slow
You ain't livin' in a video
You're flying low with a high velocity
No doubt, you're stressin' out
That ain't what rock n' roll's about
Get off that one way trip down lonely street

Now I know you've been kicked around
You ain't alone in this ugly town
You stick a needle in your arm
You bite the dust, you buy the farm

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stoopid
What ya tryin' to do
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stoopid
They win you lose
Hey, hye, hey, hey, hey stoopid

C'mon girl, it's a better day
Get your foot out of that grave
Don't let that one love tear your world apart
C'mon babe, kick that stuff
Show the street it ain't so tough
Quit lyin' around with a crippled, broken heart

Now I know you've been seeing red
Don't put a pistol to your head
sometimes your answer's heaven sent
Your way is so damn permanent

This ain't your daddy talkin'
You know, I know
Your story ain't so shocking
You know, I know
Blow some steam
C'mon and scream



Take another bite
It'll be alright
What's wrong will soon feel right
Dangerous tonight
Take another sip
Let it kiss your lips
And let a little drip on your thighs
If you let me I'll untie your sensuality
I'll open up your heart and satisfy my greed
I'm dangerous, I'm a dying breed
Poisonous like a centipede
I'm capable of the foulest deed
Dangerous at night
I'm dangerous like a razorback
Deadly like a heart attack
Well, I don't bend and I don't crack
Dangerous tonight

Take another turn
The rules have all been burned
And you've got tricks to learn
Dangerous tonight
Play another role
Try and lose control
And stain your soul to red from white
In my mind, oh, a million voices tell me no
It's prime crime time and I gotta let it go
I'm dangerous like a broken glass
I'm a flesh fanatic psychopath
I can cause you pain and make it last
Dangerous tonight

I'm dangerous when the sun goes down
So cross yourself, don't fool around
I'll drag your heart into the ground
Dangerous tonight

If you let me I'll untie your sensuality
I'll open up your heart and satisfy my greed




Well we got no choice all the girls and boys
Makin' all that noise 'cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya can't find a flag if that don't suit ya that's a drag

School's out for summer school's out forever school's been blown to pieces

No more pencils no more books no more teacher's dirty looks yeah
Well we got no class and we got no principals and we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes

School's out for summer school's out forever my school's been blown to pieces

No more pencils no more books no more teacher's dirty looks
Out for summer out till fall we might not come back at all

School's out forever school's out for summer
School's out with fever school's out

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